Walker Filtration wishes farewell and happy retirement to Derek Cuthbertson after 22 years with the company

Posted on March 7th, 2022

In April 2000, Derek Cuthbertson joined Walker Filtration as a Machine Shop operator. After a career that has spanned more than 2 decades, he is now retiring from his role as Machine Shop Supervisor and bids Walker Filtration a fond farewell.

Derek started his journey at our Head Office and Manufacturing Facility 22 years ago, when we were still based at our previous facility on Spire Road. Since joining, Derek has been a crucial member of our team. He said that the moment he was most proud of during his time with Walker Filtration was his retirement ceremony, where the Walker Filtration cafeteria filled with countless individuals who wanted to show Derek how much he is valued and wish him good luck for his future.

Derek’s current manager, Stuart Carter (Operations Manager CAGT) spoke on his retirement;

“After 22 years Derek is retiring from our company. He truly brings to life the saying ‘great people make great companies’. He will be a huge miss and we wish him a long, happy retirement”.

When asked if he wanted to say anything about his retirement, Derek’s parting-words were, “I wish everyone all the best, and I would be happy to come back and help if it was needed in the future!”

Looking forward into his retirement, Derek is excited for his holiday to Bermuda, building a new kitchen for his home, and enjoying caravanning across the North-East.

From everyone at Walker Filtration, we thank Derek for being such a dedicated member of the Walker Filtration team, and wish him all the best for the years ahead!


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