Walker Filtration Boosts Local Foodbanks
Posted on December 20th, 2019
As part of our fundraising efforts this festive season, Walker Filtration staff collected over 600 items to donate to local foodbanks, in a bid to help provide emergency food to people in crisis.
The haul of goods was split between Newcastle West End Foodbank, which supplied 38,881 food parcels last year, and Washington Community Food Project. Items donated included cereal, soup, pasta, rice, tinned tomatoes and pasta sauce, lentils and beans, tinned meat and vegetables, tea and coffee, UHT milk and toiletries.
There are more than 1,200 food bank centres in the UK to provide a minimum of three days’ nutritionally-balanced emergency food to people who are struggling to make ends meet. This year they are bracing themselves for the busiest ever December, anticipating a 40 per cent plus rise in demand month on month.
To find details of food banks in your area visit the Trussell Trust website for their online search tool. Details of a further 800 independent food banks can be found by contacting the trade group Independent Food Aid Network UK.