Alpha Oxygen Medical Sterile Filters
When using compressed air and gas in medical and sterile environments, we know that patient, user and product safety is key. This is why our Alpha Oxygen Filter range also includes Medical Sterile Filters.
Crucial to treatments for critically ill patients, medical oxygen is an essential medicine in the field of healthcare. Worldwide demand for medical oxygen has seen a significant increase due to the ongoing rise in illness, disease, and viral infections that can cause severe respiratory symptoms. Because of this, the need to provide a reliable supply of oxygen on-site has also seen an increase in demand, and with it, the need for high-quality filtration.
We know that quality and reliability are paramount in critical applications. We manufacture our Alpha Oxygen Medical Sterile Filters using only the highest quality materials and design them to exceed the requirements of HTM 02-01 medical gas pipeline systems. Thus, ensuring the oxygen pipeline is free from live bacteria and micro-organisms. They also meet the cleanliness, material and filtration standards for medical oxygen outlined in ASTM G93/G93M.
With a range of 19 models and threaded connections from 1/8” to 3”, this is our most flexible and comprehensive medical sterile filtration offering to date.
Protect your patients. Protect your system.

Providing a flexible solution for filtration in the oxygen generation process, Alpha Oxygen Filters are available in 19 models with connection sizes ranging from 1/8” to 3” NPT, RP (BSP Parallel) and RC (BSP Taper) threaded connections.
Technical Specification
* as specified in HTM 02-01 medical gas pipeline systems
The Ultimate in Filtration Performance
Each element is supplied with an Air Sterilization Certificate to guarantee the highest quality to our customers
Specially designed for autoclave sterilization compatibility, each element is guaranteed for 100 sterilizations at 248°F (120°C)
All components and materials are cleaned and certified for use in oxygen rich environments, in accordance with ASTM G93/G93M
Externally accessible drain, profiled bowl design, and unique push fit elements ensure quick and simple maintenance
Internal and external electrophoretic paint finish, followed by a tough exterior polyester powder coating
Blue O-rings provide quick and easy identification of oxygen rated filter elements that are constructed specifically for use in oxygen service.